in Humanities and Social Sciences2021-09-15T13:16:56+00:00Farahnaz Golestan Journal Systems<p> </p> <p> </p> of Relevance and Reliability of İnformation and the Global Network2021-09-15T13:05:46+00:00Kazimi Parviz Firudin Oqlu<p>The conflict of interests in the global information space is multifaceted conflict between manopolists and the government, sellers and consumers, information resources and consumers of information, etc. Systematic discussion and new approaches to the problem of conflict of interests can contribute to raising progressiveness. The purpose of the article is to raise the problem of conflict of interest, to model it both within the framework of an integrated system, and to find optimal solutions in the context of differentiated corporate interests. This will eliminate the manipulation of the niteres conflict in the global network.</p>2021-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Kazimi Parviz Firudin Oqlu Magic: Read!2021-09-15T13:11:45+00:00Dan Manolescu<p>If experience is the best teacher, then reading may be the best life experience. Reading books is a unique experience that will take you on a journey into another world. You will learn about people you have never met but who have already left an indelible mark and a legacy that inspired so many generations. Reading is an institution devoted wholly to the mind and the imagination. Books contain spiritual values of all ages and we perceive them as simultaneously present and vitally alive. Each book is a precious treasure with countless implications and the reader is ultimately left to discover not only the subject at hand but also the deep layers of the spell cast by a tremendous force with its innermost meaning for each individual with a curious mind and its probing questions.</p>2020-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020“WOKE” in Historically Black Colleges and Universities 2021-09-15T13:16:56+00:00 Saliah’Asia M<p>This research paper aims to examine and critique the impact and contribution of HBCUs in advancing societal issues and education while fostering a heightened understanding of social justice for today’s HBCU students. The purpose of this research is to discuss, expose, and share the impact HBCUs have had on the “WOKE” movement and social justice in the United States of America. The discourse centers on the development of scholars and activities who have been nurtured by and at HBCUs. The primary sources and events have been summarizing, focusing on the cause and effect of the injustice minorities face from the modern Civil Rights Era to the present day. The information/data demonstrates core components that have shaped American HBCUs from their establishments/foundation. Those ideals still evoke the same emotion of individuals who effort toward higher education decades ago up to today’s HBCU student bodies that embrace societal images upon their school. It also demonstrates how HBCUs have shown their ways of waking to societal limits in multiple forms of action to be heard through their oppression. Some sources broadly state approaches to reinstating these essential values, while some indicate the efforts to prove the name of HBCUs compared to PWIs. Some sources even show how our institutions solidify our government. This paper expresses how HBCUs in our nation keep students aware of the delinquent acts around them from social injustice and racial inequality.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2021-09-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021